New Avenues to Investigate Childhood from the Perspective of the Sociology of Culture. A Conversation between Christine Détrez and Clémence Perronnet

Christine Détrez et Clémence Perronnet

Article de Christine Détrez et Clémence Perronnet in Youth and Globalization, vol. 2, issue 1, 2020.

In this article, Christine Détrez and Clémence Perronnet discuss the contributions of the sociology of culture to the study of childhood. They trace back the emergence of this approach in France and the theoretical and methodological challenges faced by a field of study that mobilizes concepts from both a bourdieusian theoretical framework and international cultural studies – with a particular focus on the concept of agency. The conversation also touches on the opportunities for future research, particularly on the learning of feeling rules and new digital practices and the early construction of inequalities in science during childhood.

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