The contributions to this issue analyse specific conditions and effects in several national and historical contexts : Introducing the thematic of‘race’, Thompson unwinds a story about Black gravediggers in nineteenth-century epidemics in the United States ; Clavandier and her co-authors ask how profession-als in the funerary sector in France and Switzerland were affected by the COVID-19pandemic and the governmental counter-measures ; Cruz-Santiago and Schwartz-Marin explore the intersection of COVID-19 and the pre-existing ‘forensic crisis’in Mexico ; and finally, Sanjurjo, Azevedo and Nadai ask how the suspicion that dead bodies are infected by COVID-19 affects rituals and spaces of disposal, but also how these patterns map onto former periods of ‘necropolitics’, involving slaves,indigents, terrorists and criminals.
À noter : Gaëlle Clavandier et Philippe Charrier sont co-auteur.e.s de l’article From one body to another. The handling of the deceased during the COVID-19 pandemic, a case study in France and Switzerland, aux côtés de Marc-Antoine Berthod, de Martin Julier-Costes et de Veronica Pagnamenta.
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