Boxing, the Gym, and Men : The Mark of the Fist

Jérôme Beauchez a le plaisir de vous informer de la parution de son dernier ouvrage : Boxing, the Gym, and Men : The Mark of the Fist, paru en janvier 2018.

Boxing, the Gym, and Men : The Mark of the Fist, trans. Michael C. Behrent. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, « Cultural Sociology » Series (Jeffrey C. Alexander, Ron Eyerman, David Inglis & Philip Smith, eds.).

Pour accéder à la table des matières :

“Boxing, the Gym, and Men is an insightful ethnographic account of marginalized young people of the French banlieue. Without being romantic, it explains how they make meaning of their precarious lives through the experience of boxing. Informative and compelling, this scholarly work is also deeply moving ─ it is an important contribution to our understanding of immigration and disfranchisement in the social fabric of French urban life and culture.”
Elijah Anderson, William K. Lanman, Jr. Professor of Sociology, Yale University.

“In its fine tuned phenomenological attentiveness to how boxers make sense of their experience by ‘working through’ their bodies, Beauchez’s carnal ethnography perfectly captures the vivid and nuanced immediacy of an embodiment in which domination is the key theme of both the fighters’ encounters in the ring and their subaltern social circumstances.”
Thomas J. Csordas, Dr. James Y. Chan Presidential Chair in Global Health, Professor and Chair, Department of Anthropology, University of California San Diego.

Boxing, the Gym, and Men
Boxing, the Gym, and Men : The Mark of the Fist
4ème de couverture Boxing, the Gym, and Men
4ème de couverture : Boxing, the Gym, and Men : The Mark of the Fist
Équipes concernées : Cultures publiques